Dental Centers
FAMED – Madrid, Torrelodones

Address: Calle Juan Van-Halen, 9, 28250
Torrelodones, Madrid

Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9:00 am Mon

Phone: +34 918 54 93 77

Province: Community of Madrid

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Free Online Dental Consultation

Our free expert online dental advice and online dental consultation services will help you to get expert advice from fully experienced dentists without having to attend a clinic.

We have set up our new system to help to cope during these trying times, and by using the latest communication tech we can give you personalised feedback and advice on your dental questions about treatments and give you the answers you need.

What Advice can we Give?

We can offer a range of advice from cosmetic dentistry to dental health issues, ways to improve your smile. After we receive your photographs and form submission, we will review the images and information and then offer personalised advice via email or if it is necessary by your chosen method of communication.

Quick Simple Process

To get started just fill in your details on our easy contact form, then upload the photos of your teeth, and don’t forget to ask any questions with regards to any advice you need. We will analyse all the information in your case and soon be in touch with our advice.

The Online Dental Advice Process

We have made the online dental advice form an easy process that only takes a few minutes to complete. This is what you need to get started:

Step 1: Take photographs of your teeth/affected area

Using a smartphone or a camera try to get the highest quality shots of your teeth or affected areas, the better the images the better advice we will be able to offer. We need three photos from the different angles plus an X-ray image if available:

  1. Front View, closeup view of your teeth/smile/affected area.
  2. Left side view of your teeth/smile/affected area.
  3. Right side view of your teeth/smile/affected area.
  4. X-ray image of your mouth.

Step 2: Fill in the online Dental advice form

The more detail you can give us when filling in the online dental advice form will help us to give you the best dental advice feedback.

Step 3: Our Response

Once we have reviewed the information from the form and images we will get back in touch with you via your chosen method to offer you free dental advise and answer your questions and advise you of any treatments that are available.

Online Dental Advice Form

Please fill in the form below and upload at least three high definition photos taken from the specified angles and we will soon be in touch with your free dental advice, options and personalised feedback.

    Questions and comments about advice required

    Upload Photos - (Max 4 MB per photo)

    Image 1: Front view smile / Close up

    Image 2: Left side view

    Image 3: Right side view

    Image 4: X-Rays (if available)

    He leído y aceptado la Política de Privacidad

    En virtud de lo establecido en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, el cliente
    cuyos datos figuran en el presente Formulario, consiente de forma expresa a ________________ el tratamiento
    sus datos personales con objeto de realizar facturación y promoción de los servicios comercializados con los
    mismos, así como la autorización a la comunicación con aquellas entidades respecto de las cuales tuviera
    concertado contrato de prestación y promoción de servicios. Los datos se incluirán en un fichero
    automatizado de
    _______________ que dispone de las medidas de seguridad necesarias para su confidencialidad y usted podrá
    ejercitar conforme a la ley sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación/supresión, oposición,
    o portabilidad, dirigiendo un escrito a _________ junto con una fotocopia de su DNI: Calle___________