Dental Centers
FAMED – Madrid, Torrelodones

Address: Calle Juan Van-Halen, 9, 28250
Torrelodones, Madrid

Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9:00 am Mon

Phone: +34 918 54 93 77

Province: Community of Madrid

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A smile can change the world

Teeth-whitening is a safe procedure. 

We do lots of checks on your teeth beforehand to make sure that you are suitable.

There are some amazing branded teeth-whitening treatments on the market

As a group we select only the very best which deliver a great result for your patients.

You receive a custom made set of trays that fit over your teeth comfortably. The active teeth whitening gel is placed into the trays and fitted onto your teeth.

For best results we recommend you use your trays overnight and avoid coloured food or drink.

Our Online consults are 100% complimentary.

Click here to schedule online or call +34 918 54 03 77 I +34 695 79 24 37 to set up a time with  Dr. Medina that works for you.

We’ll see you soon!