Orthodontic Treatment
10% of the Spanish child population required orthodontic treatment during 2020
World Orthodontic Health Day is celebrated on May 15, the General Council of Dentists recalls the multiple benefits of the use of orthodontics for our health and quality of life.
According to data from the Oral Health Survey in Spain 2020, 9.7% of 12-year-old children are carriers of orthodontics. This figure rises to 12.6% in the case of 15-year-old adolescents. Regarding young adults, 2% of orthodontic wearers are observed.
The numbers of malocclusions remain stable at all ages, with a decrease of 5.2%, from 2015 to 2020, in the 15-year-old cohort.
Likewise, moderate or severe malocclusion, which normally requires corrective treatment, remains stable over the years and at all ages, with a figure of around 15% of the population.
Regarding the child population, the White Book on Oral Health in Spain shows that 58% of the child population has received some type of dental treatment, the most frequent treatments being fillings (40%) and dental treatments. orthodontics (10%).
To complete the study, participants used one dentist-fitted OA nightly for four weeks followed by a one-week washout period, during which participants were instructed to use their CPAP machines instead. This washout period was followed by a second four-week trial during which participants used the alternate OA.
Individuals received training on how to titrate each appliance and were instructed to advance their mandibles based on each manufacturer’s guidelines if they observed any snoring, OSA events, or persistent daytime sleepiness. To measure REI, home sleep recordings were collected using the NOX T3 recorder, and oxygen saturation was measured with a finger probe pulse oximeter.
After nine weeks, the researchers found that both devices demonstrated equivalent REI attenuation regardless of jaw-opening limitations, and both designs significantly reduced the REI in adults with moderate and severe OSA. These findings were somewhat surprising because the current understanding is that OAT was only effective for those suffering from mild OSA, Wilson said.
“When self-titrated over a short period of four weeks, the results suggest that both designs improve upper airway function and stability, reduce its collapsibility, and increase oropharyngeal space,” the team wrote. “Collectively, our data suggest self-titrated OAs can be routinely offered as a treatment option for OSA patients, and clinicians can expect about a 50% response rate and to bring the REI down to about eight to 16 events per hour after eight weeks among patients, including those with severe OSA.”
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